
04 – Urban Folktale, Part 1

Our last episode was a short heist film that was based on an earlier short heist film that was turned into a mopey teen angst NOT-Heist film. 
THIS is that mopey teen-angst not-heist film. It was the first feature-length screenplay we ever wrote and,…

03 – Aftermath

For this episode, we jump forward several years to a collaboration we made when we were much more mature and wise in the ways of the world. …Only to remind ourselves that 19 is probably the least enlightened age ever, because you think you’re so damn…

02 – Highlander Part 2

It’s part 2 of Highlander: The Immortal Battle Continues! This episode has the backhanded honor of containing what MUST be the worst line of dialogue in the history of mankind. We timed it, and it had us laughing so hard at its terribleness that we…

01 – Highlander, Part 1

For our inaugural edition of Table Reads, we delve all the way back to our earliest collaboration when we were 15 years old: A Highlander Fan Film!
And, yes, it is JUST as cringingly bad as you think it is! The script is only 16 pages long, but there…