84 – Gladiator, Part 4

Maximus reconnects with his son. Meanwhile, Lucius proves himself be a total douchebag.
Meanwhile, Giraffes get a bizarre mention, and we find out that the pen is indeed mightier than the sword… in the most ham-fisted way possible.

And in podcast news, we are now on a BUNCH more platforms, including iHeartRadio! In fact, I challenge you to find a platform we’re NOT on!

Remember to check out our site at www.tablereadspodcast.com for all the latest news, and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts to make sure you always get the latest episode.

LASTLY: If you’d like to know more about the back story of some of the scripts we’ve read (and a bunch we haven’t!), check out Screenplay Archeaology Podcast: https://screenplayarchaeology.podbean.com